Class 6 Hindi CBSE Online Tuition Home Tutor Ahmedabad Daskroi Gujarat

Online Tuition Tutor is available for Class 6 for ICSE provides excellent and experienced Online Tutors for Online Tuition for any class and syllabus



Place: ahmedabad
District: daskroi
State: Gujarat
Country: India
Telephone: +91 79079 27212
Tutormine Whatsapp +91 79079 27212

Profile of Preeti

Hello there, I am a post graduate in biotechnology from TACT, BBSR. I currently live in Ahmedabad with my family. I want to pursue my career in teaching line. I have no prior experience in online tutoring but will give my best to help students with their studies. I can help them to understand the basics, which is the foremost step in pillar of learning.Thus, exploring new teaching skills at each step.


Degree Course University
Post Graduation Biotechnology Trident Academy of creative technology
Online Certificate course Early childhood care and education SWAYAM App
Graduation Biotechnology Jamshedpur Women's college

Academic Accomplishments

I have worked in many college projects and dessertation programme both at B.Sc and M.Sc degree.Detailes are provided in resume.

Professional Achievements

I am a fresher.This will be my first time teaching online.

Language of Teaching


Course Stream Subject
ICSE 5th Hindi
ICSE 6th Hindi
ICSE 7th Hindi
ICSE 8th Hindi

My Teaching Philosophy

  1. I always encourage students to visualize the concepts of what they learn.
  2. Each concepts are linked to one another and hence I adopt a systematic method to help students learn things in proper manner.
  3. I explain to students why mistakes happen during exams and give them tips to tackle them.