Class Second Year Economics CBSE Online Tuition Home Tutor Nellore Spsr Nellore Andhra Pradesh

Online Tuition Tutor is available for Class Second Year for B.A. provides excellent and experienced Online Tutors for Online Tuition for any class and syllabus



Place: Nellore
State: Andhra Pradesh
Country: India
Telephone: +91 79079 27212
Tutormine Whatsapp +91 79079 27212

Profile of Jyoshna

An excellent passionate teacher offering tution for the students from elementary to degree standard.. Highly experienced to support and manage the students to complete their activities or works and also guides them in achieving their goal...

I was a rank holder throughout my studies and i believe in understanding the concept by basic way with logical methods rather than mugging up...I am well versed in all the subjects especially in mathematics and History...

Teaching is my passionate I have been teaching as a home tutor for 2 years for school students and also very good at take caring students by teaching them the real way to earn knowledge in studies...

Will be available to the students 24/7.I promise to give clear explanation and good clarity to the students also tries to make the student understand every concept in an easy manner..


Degree Course University
Graduation Bachelor of Arts Vikarama simhapuri University

Academic Accomplishments

I was a rank holder from my elementary school...

Igot 9.8Gpa in my tenth standard and awarded with prathiba award...

In intermediate(M.pc)i got a total of 976 marks out of 1000

(1st year i got 461 out of 470 and in 2nd year i got 515 out of 530)...

And In my graduation i have chosen Arts with History, economics and political science i have got 90%...I got this Percentage as being a home maker...I am persuing my graduation final year...

Professional Achievements

I have not received any medals in my career (2 years as home tutor)but my success lies in my students education...I have started my home tution with just 3 people and now it is 26 people in which many students were not able to read even before but now they are 100%able to read and write by their own...I believe it is my best achievement ...My self being a homemaker and student i appreciate myself that I learnt time management and i proved to be a good teacher for my fellow students which i believe is my best success..A teachers sucess and hardwork will be shown by the marks got by the students that Is what happened to me..I guess it is more than enough for a teacher than rewards..

Language of Teaching


Course Stream Subject
B.A. First Year Economics
B.A. Third Year Economics
B.A. Second Year Economics

My Teaching Philosophy

  1. I explain to students why mistakes happen during exams and give them tips to tackle them.
  2. I am passionate about teaching school students.
  3. The learning styles of students are very different.