Class 12 Chemistry CBSE Online Tuition Home Tutor Kolkata Kolakta

Online Tuition Tutor is available for Class 12 for CBSE provides excellent and experienced Online Tutors for Online Tuition for any class and syllabus



Place: Kolkata
District: Kolakta
State: West Bengal
Country: India
Telephone: +91 79079 27212
Tutormine Whatsapp +91 79079 27212

Profile of Priya

Hi! My name is Priya and I teachChemistry. I was thrilled to learn topics like molecules and states of matter in school and my fascination for the subject motivated me to pursue it as my career option. Driven further from my passion for chemistry, I started participating in different national-level entrance tests, research fellowships, and lectureship programs. My teaching journey began by explaining the concepts of this subject to my friends and relatives. Improvement in their knowledge and grades boosted my confidence as a teacher and I decided to teach professionally. I like explaining the principles of chemistry as well as the latest development in the world of chemistry to make the subject meaningful for my students.


Degree Course University
Graduation B.Sc Chemistry Honours Lady brabourne college, University of Calcutta
Post Graduation M.Sc Chemmistry IIT Kharagpur

Academic Accomplishments

I have passed both gradution and post graduation exams with first class marks.I have cracked IIT JAM exam in the year of 2019 with the AIR rank of 126. In the year of 2021 I have qualified two national level exam NET and GATE.

Professional Achievements

My teaching journey began by explaining the concepts of this subject to my friends and relatives. Improvement in their knowledge and grades boosted my confidence as a teacher and I decided to teach professionally.I have an experience of teaching 11-12 th standard student as well as gradution students for the last 5 years.I like explaining the principles of chemistry as well as the latest development in the world of chemistry to make the subject meaningful for my students.

Language of Teaching


Course Stream Subject
CBSE 12th Chemistry
CBSE 9th Chemistry
CBSE 10th Chemistry
CBSE 11th Chemistry

My Teaching Philosophy

  1. Students can remember visuals and thus, online teaching is one of the best ways to teach.
  2. I make it a point that students do more practice of what they learnt.
  3. I teach concepts repeatedly so that students will learn them through multiple usage.