Class 10 Chemistry CBSE Online Tuition Home Tutor Bareilly Bareilly

Online Tuition Tutor is available for Class 10 for CBSE provides excellent and experienced Online Tutors for Online Tuition for any class and syllabus



Place: Bareilly
District: Bareilly
State: Uttar Pradesh
Country: India
Telephone: +91 79079 27212
Tutormine Whatsapp +91 79079 27212

Profile of Sonali

I am passionate , friendly and commited. As a teacher , I can easily get engaged with students . I can make any student learn very difficult topic in very simple way .


Degree Course University
Graduation B.Sc. (zoology , botany , chemistry) Mahatma jyotiba phule rohilkhand university.
Intermediate Holy Family Convent School.

Academic Accomplishments

I have participated in many science debates during my school life .

Participated in green olympaid in 2014

Participated in seminar for Overall Development of Human being.

Participated in seminar on polymers(macromolecules).

Professional Achievements

Mentoring my students .

Developed new technique or approach to teach a difficult,boring and non- understandable topic.

Identification of a problem and solving it .

I have been teaching biology and chemistry of class 12th since 1 year.

Language of Teaching


Course Stream Subject
CBSE 10th Chemistry
CBSE 9th Chemistry
CBSE 8th Chemistry

My Teaching Philosophy

  1. I explain to students why mistakes happen during exams and give them tips to tackle them.
  2. I make it a point that students do more practice of what they learnt.
  3. My approach is to help students to learn by being a real support and guidance for them.